Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

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Posted 29 Feb 2012 14:06:40 UTC

As part of the grand finale of the WBAI Winter fundraiser, "Off The Hook" will have a special two-hour program tonight featuring none other than The Yes Men, who will join us live to discuss their latest antics, as well as the many amazing accomplishments of their past.

For those unfamiliar, The Yes Men have created all sorts of fake websites over the years which have led to their being interviewed as "representatives" of such organizations as the World Trade Organization, Dow Chemical, and ExxonMobil, fooling the mass media far more often than anyone could expect. In addition, they have created fake editions of The New York Times and New York Post, distributing tens of thousands of copies to unsuspecting commuters, who saw attention-grabbing stories on such topics as global warming, health care, and war. Behind every hack The Yes Men engineer, there is a serious message and, with two movies behind them and another in the works, they have helped to open a whole lot of eyes.

The Yes Men will be giving one of our keynote addresses at HOPE Number Nine in New York this July. On the radio show tonight, they will be helping us to raise funds to keep WBAI going and donating some of their material to those of you who call +1 212 209 2950 between 7 pm and 9 pm ET to show your support.

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Peliculas Online

Off The Wall show for February 28, 2012

2600 Magazine
P.O. Box 752
Middle Island, NY 11953
Telephone: 631-751-2600
Comments: Webmaster
Copyright © 1995-2012
2600 Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Peliculas Online


We're happy to announce that one of our keynote addresses at HOPE Number Nine this summer will be given by The Yes Men, in what will surely be a lively, enlightening, and inspirational presentation.

The Yes Men have probably caused more global trouble and confusion in the upper echelons than anyone and they've pulled it off with true hacker spirit. Mike Bonanno and Andy Bichlbaum created a fake World Trade Organization website back in 1999 which managed to fool a large number of people, many within the WTO itself. They found themselves invited to conferences to speak as WTO representatives which they eagerly did, causing all kinds of mayhem as documented in their film The Yes Men. (Their most recent film, The Yes Men Fix the World, was released in 2009.)

The duo have also targeted George W. Bush, Dow Chemical, oil companies, media outlets, and all sorts of corporations and governments that never saw them coming. Each time they've defeated the system and won a victory in a battle nobody else thought to fight, at least, not in this manner. Mike and Andy's slick social engineering skills have fooled all sorts of media outlets, including the BBC, into spreading their fake stories throughout the world. They've also been known to print tens of thousands of fake newspapers to hand out to commuters in busy train stations, causing no end of turmoil.

But these pranks aren't done just for the fun of it. The Yes Men always have a message behind what they say and do, one that is often not given a voice in the mainstream. Just as popular websites have been hacked by people who want to get a message out, the mainstream culture itself has been hacked by The Yes Men, in order to reach millions of people with an alternative to what they're being told.

We hope you share our enthusiasm at having The Yes Men deliver one of our keynote addresses at this year's Hackers On Planet Earth conference, known as HOPE Number Nine. It should be quite energetic and fun, and it will no doubt leave the thousands in attendance with all sorts of ideas on how to change the world.

HOPE Number Nine will be taking place July 13, 14, and 15, 2012 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City and will feature over 100 talks ranging from highly technical to socially provocative, but all connected in some way to the wonderful world of hacking. In addition, we'll have a huge floorspace for all kinds of hacker projects and displays.

Click here to register for HOPE Number Nine at the discounted rate.

Click here to learn more about The Yes Men.

Click here to visit The Yes Men website.

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Peliculas Online

Off The Hook show for February 29, 2012

2600 Magazine
P.O. Box 752
Middle Island, NY 11953
Telephone: 631-751-2600
Comments: Webmaster
Copyright © 1995-2012
2600 Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Peliculas Online


We have decided to show our solidarity with the opponents of the SOPA and PIPA bills and black out our websites on Wednesday, January 18th.

The danger is real and we feel people need to have their eyes opened. This action helps to achieve this. We are nothing on our own, but if we link together and help to spread this around through websites all around the world, we can help create something that can no longer be ignored.

So what threat do these bills actually pose? SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, would give the United States government the ability to effectively cut off any site it deemed responsible for any sort of copyright violation - or any site that provides information that could help people get around various restrictions. That last part is kind of what we've been doing for the last 28 years and we have no intention of stopping - or being stopped.

PIPA is an acronym within an acronym (PROTECT IP Act (Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act)), which is probably the most imaginative part of this bill. The reality is that PIPA tries to address the complicated issue of infringement with the rather simplistic notion of ordering search engines to "de-list" objectionable sites. This heavy-handed act of erasure is something we might expect to see in a repressive regime, which, oddly enough, would be condemned by the very same government trying to unload this on us.

You may have heard that we've gotten a reprieve, that the White House has come out in opposition, that congressmen are dropping their support, that corporations are doing an about face, and that the battle has been won. Don't be fooled. For one thing, these bills are far from dead. True, they're taking quite a beating because of the actions of the Internet community. But they're still a huge threat. Secondly, even if SOPA and PIPA go down in flames, you can bet something else with a different clever acronym will come along in the future, just as there have been so many failed attempts in the past. Nearly all governments and large corporations want to control how the net works. None of that should surprise us. And don't think for a moment that winning this battle will eliminate the overall threat.

Let us also realize that the actions of so many of you have gone a long way in helping to preserve the openness of the Internet, which actually has a trickle-down effect on societies all around the world. Using social networking sites for social justice has resulted in huge movements that have toppled dictators and changed regimes. We are talking to each other, something that scares the crap out of any controlling entity. We've seen this happen in many ways in recent months and years: a movement begins, the mass media ignores it, the movement mushrooms through global networking, and suddenly it becomes front page news. It's a great achievement, but it has to continue evolving in order to remain relevant.


From midnight Wednesday morning to midnight Thursday morning (Eastern Time), we will be blacking out the main 2600 website, our conference site, and even our Internet store. Yes, we are more than willing to take a financial hit if it means that it gets people's attention. If this gets others to do the same, it will be a worthy investment.

Please continue to talk about this with the people you know and to get as much information as possible on this subject and others that are constantly changing. An excellent starting point is this article over at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It's precisely because of the actions of these groups and individuals like yourself that we're able to get this issue the attention it deserves and enjoy the sight of politicians backpedaling.

Imagine one day being punished for reading this information, or not being able to find it in the first place because those in power deemed it offensive. These bills don't quite do that. But they take a very big step in that direction. And it's precisely by taking such steps that the landscape around us changes dramatically and negatively over time. This is what we're fighting.

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Peliculas Online


We have the special HOPE rates for Hotel Pennsylvania this July and we're happy to say that the rates are just about the same as they were last time we did this in 2010. Here's the breakdown for the nights of July 10th through July 14th:

$139 - 1 bed (single or double)
$149 - 1 twin bed room
$169 - 2 beds (twins or 2 double beds)

For those staying beyond Sunday, the prices go down even more for July 15th and July 16th:

$99 - 1 bed (single or double)
$119 - 2 beds (twins or 2 double beds)

HOPE Number Nine will be taking place from Friday, July 13th through Sunday, July 15th, 2012 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City.

To take advantage of this discounted rate (which sold out along with the entire hotel last time), call +1 212 736 5000 or ask your operator to connect you to Pennsylvania 6-5000 in New York City. (Go ahead, try it.) When you get to the reception desk, be sure to mention that you want the HOPE rate.

For those of you who'd rather not use a telephone, simply go to and adjust the dates of your stay accordingly within the green squares. (Make sure the Group Code says HOPE.)

View the original article here

Peliculas Online


2600 Magazine
P.O. Box 752
Middle Island, NY 11953
Telephone: 631-751-2600
Comments: Webmaster
Copyright © 1995-2012
2600 Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Peliculas Online


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Posted 12 Jan 2012 13:35:45 UTC

We have officially opened up preregistration for the latest Hackers On Planet Earth conference: HOPE Number Nine, which will be taking place at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City from July 13th to July 15th, 2012. Just click here to begin the process. These tickets are still priced well below what's charged at the door, a savings of nearly 20 percent. But we believe that the full price is still an incredible bargain, considering all of the talks and fun that are found at a typical HOPE conference.

In the very near future, we'll have details on discounted rooms at the Hotel Pennsylvania, as well as calls for participation of various sorts at the conference. There are still over six months to go but the fun is going to start increasing from here on.

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Peliculas Online


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Posted 19 Jan 2012 05:35:46 UTC

We've opened up the submission process for speaker entries at HOPE Number Nine, to be held at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City from July 13th to 15th, 2012.

The Hackers On Planet Earth conferences always draw a wide assortment of speaker submissions from people of all backgrounds on a wide variety of topics. We encourage everyone to submit talk proposals - from high school kids to government spies, corporate executives to Internet activists. Talks range from highly technical to highly subversive. One thing they will never be is boring.

Click here for more info on the submission process.

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Peliculas Online


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Posted 6 Jan 2012 05:22:24 UTC

The brand new Winter issue of 2600 is now officially out in all sorts of different places and versions. Hopefully you won't have much trouble finding us in bookstores. You may have more of a challenge finding bookstores in the first place. While we're still getting over the loss of Borders, you should be able to easily find us in every Barnes and Noble and other chains, along with a whole bunch of independent bookstores and newsstands. If you're a subscriber, an issue may have already arrived at your home, office, or school. If you're more of the electronic bent, you will have already received the Winter issue if you have a Kindle subscription. You can also get a Kindle subscription in the U.K. The Kindle Publications subscription is available for Kindles, Android, and iOS devices. Issues are also available individually in the subscription section. For those of you using Mac and PC devices, individual issues are available in the standalone Kindle Book format. You can also get this version in U.K., France, Spain, Italy, and Germany. We also have an epub version available for the Nook or almost every other ereader. And we intend to keep adding more, as long as there is a demand.

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Peliculas Online

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