Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Subscribe to 2600!

Get 2600 Stuff!

Posted 6 Jan 2012 05:22:24 UTC

The brand new Winter issue of 2600 is now officially out in all sorts of different places and versions. Hopefully you won't have much trouble finding us in bookstores. You may have more of a challenge finding bookstores in the first place. While we're still getting over the loss of Borders, you should be able to easily find us in every Barnes and Noble and other chains, along with a whole bunch of independent bookstores and newsstands. If you're a subscriber, an issue may have already arrived at your home, office, or school. If you're more of the electronic bent, you will have already received the Winter issue if you have a Kindle subscription. You can also get a Kindle subscription in the U.K. The Kindle Publications subscription is available for Kindles, Android, and iOS devices. Issues are also available individually in the subscription section. For those of you using Mac and PC devices, individual issues are available in the standalone Kindle Book format. You can also get this version in U.K., France, Spain, Italy, and Germany. We also have an epub version available for the Nook or almost every other ereader. And we intend to keep adding more, as long as there is a demand.

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